"To those few people (Mainly, my mother, Dem, and Paul) who love all of me, the good, the bad, the mistakes I've made... who were happy they knew me even at my worst, who believed I was worth something even when I didn't believe it myself, those people I will love and thank eternally, and I am forever sorry for how much I made you worry or how often I made you suffer... it was never intentional. For the few who want to be in my life for the good, and only the good, and tried to cut me down when I was suffering already, you aren't welcome to share my accomplishments. You had your chance, and I won't let you celebrate on my behalf when you belittled me on my journey to where I am today. I worked damn hard to get to where I am, and while I may not be perfect, I'm proud of how far I came and how far I am ready to go, but I can promise you, that if you only shared your negativity, judgement and shame, you are not to share my feeling of accomplishment with me. I don't respond well to people coming and going, trying to "help" me with sneakiness and lies. To only pop in to celebrate one small area of my life, and not know any other bit. Just because you know of what I went through doesn't mean you went through it with me. Doesn't mean you worried about me or helped me or struggled with me. You may be proud of me now, but it doesn't detract from you judging me back then. You expected me to trust and respect you for very silly reasons, and never took the time to get to know me, earn my trust or my respect, never mind my love. The fact that you not only made me feel bad for myself, but made me worry that I would lose the love of someone I truly, deeply care about and need in my life, that is disgusting. And yet you STILL think you are able to come in and be proud of me. What a superficial emotion that must be for you, although I feel your hypocrisy runs deep."
I posted that on facebook earlier today. It's mostly directed towards one person, and there have been multiple times when I wished I could say it directly to them, but for the sake of others, I don't. I have a very short fuse for people like this though, and it bothers me a lot when I have to deal with them in my life. I try not to hold grudges, but it's hard to let this one go, because it hurt me for a very long time. It's been a year now that I have been winning my struggle with addiction, and it's been a really difficult obstacle to overcome, mostly because I had to admit to myself that I had a problem and it took a big chunk of my pride away. I felt really stupid that I had let it get to that point and I was scared and ashamed and guilt ridden. I never intentionally hurt anyone, I never stole from anyone to support my habit, and I never fucked anyone over to get what I wanted, but it was still admitting a weakness to myself. I learned that my major problem was boredom and letting my mind wander and get the best of me. It's obvious that I have depression and anxiety issues and when I was doing drugs it honestly made me feel like a normal, functioning human being. I never felt particularly euphoric or stoned or however you want to describe it, but I did feel normal, happy, confident. To back this up (not to condone it, but just to explain), opiates have been proven to help people with severe depression who don't respond well to antidepressants, but they're not used because of the addictive quality. Anyway, I never knew if anyone could tell I was doing them, I think most people still don't realize how large my addiction was and to what extent I was dependent on drugs, or how hard it was to stop without rehab or a doctor, but I did it. It was extremely difficult, and I was already faced with terrible, crippling guilt and depression and this pain of addiction and this person came in like they owned the place, knew everything about me, and tried to make me feel even more ashamed, and even more like a failure, although they had never bothered to talk to me, and hardly ever bothered to be in my life. Though apparently, they had this savior complex like THEY were going to be the ones to whisk me away to soberland via some sneaky methods of deception. Fuck that. Then, because I refused to go, they belittled me and made me feel stupid for not knowing what to do in my life, not knowing stupid little facts that are bullshit anyway, and being all around obtrusive in their questioning when they have no fucking right to be asking me anything besides how I like the weather. And not to be petty, but all of these things screamed hypocrite for quite a few reasons. Because of this I was terrified that they were going to try and talk someone very important in my life out of sticking by me, and I literally cried for days because of this. And after all this, and repeated instances of me ignoring their existence, they still butt in to say how "proud" they are of me for going back to school and how they are happy to see me do something with my life. Well, fuck you, you don't have the right to say that, if it's even in true goodwill and not a way to feel self righteous. You stormed into my life trying to drag me to meetings and asking me questions AFTER I cleaned up. You weren't there for me, didn't have to worry about me, didn't have to wonder what to do with me or how to talk to me. You don't get to feel pride for anything I did. That's not your right. You can't be there for my good moments when you never for one second in your life had any pure intention to help me, to even talk to me without judgement. I wish with every fiber in my being that I would just tell you to fuck off and never speak to me again, but I hold my tongue because I have respect for the sole person we have in common.
If there is one thing I have learned in my life is that just because someone is in your life, it in no way means that you have to love them, respect them, and certainly never trust them. If someone does one nice thing for you, it doesn't immediately earn them your respect or loyalties, especially if this nice thing involves money, because that's the number one tool people like this use. I may be young, I may have made some mistakes in my life, but that in no way makes me a lesser person than anyone else, nor does it mean I have to kowtow to someone who feels superior to me. Don't do nice things for people because you want respect or something to hold over their heads. Do something nice to be there for someone or just to plain do something nice. Ulterior motives override any generosity. And if you want to get to know me talk to me, ask me questions, don't demand a damn thing, because you have no right. The only people who can demand anything from me, ask anything of me, are those that have earned respect, and been there by my side through it all, and on top of that, they still didn't judge me or think less of me. Those people are all better than you will ever hope to be.
I had to get that off my chest. I am enraged whenever I think about this and whenever I see their stupid comments. I'm sorry if anyone actually read that and had to re-read the same thing over and over again, but I just had to get it out.