posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 @ 12:07 PM

I really just wanted to post to share the link Book Of Adam / More Stupid Cat. Because it's too cute not to share. And I'm just sitting here with my (finally!) Iced Caramel Macchiato, bothering Paul by watching 1000 Ways To Die and enjoying the cute. Also writing fractured sentences in this horrible excuse for a blog post.
Today I may get a haircut, but most likely not if I'm to be truthful with myself. I do have to go to the store and buy coffee and food and something else that I really do need but can't remember for the life of me right now. Oh never mind, I remember that it was soda and I bought it last night. TA-DA. It's rainy today and it seems to have sizzled out my brain cells this afternoon. I'm going to try to finish The Moon Is Down so I can start Cannery Row because it's not exactly my cup of tea, but I don't want to skip any of the short novels that Mr. Steinbeck wrote because it would feel like skipping the middle of the book, even if it is all separate books, technically.
I'm going to give up the idea of writing anything substantial right now and post another cute picture.

You're welcome.Today I may get a haircut, but most likely not if I'm to be truthful with myself. I do have to go to the store and buy coffee and food and something else that I really do need but can't remember for the life of me right now. Oh never mind, I remember that it was soda and I bought it last night. TA-DA. It's rainy today and it seems to have sizzled out my brain cells this afternoon. I'm going to try to finish The Moon Is Down so I can start Cannery Row because it's not exactly my cup of tea, but I don't want to skip any of the short novels that Mr. Steinbeck wrote because it would feel like skipping the middle of the book, even if it is all separate books, technically.
I'm going to give up the idea of writing anything substantial right now and post another cute picture.