A reminder of my hatred of needles and getting blood drawn.
posted on Friday, December 2, 2011 @ 12:24 PM
Thursday finally came and Paul and I went to my doctor's appointment at 3:00. I don't think I got into a room until 4 though. Luckily, the doctor read my symptoms and did some neurological tests and then ordered some blood tests (she didn't tell me what they were, but I had to fill four huge vials and two smaller ones, and I gathered that a few of them were for Lyme Disease, Thyroid levels, and Vitamin D deficiency) that I should get back in a few days. In the meantime she gave me Atenolol for what she diagnosed as migraines. I really, truly hope that this doctor will be the one to find out what is wrong with me. In the meantime, my headache has been somewhat bearable, with the exception of a few hours at, and after the doctor's appointment.
I have to research, and write, a paper for my Intro To Law class on Tuesday, a project I haven't been able to even touch since these headaches have been making it impossible to concentrate on anything, or remember anything that I have managed to read.
Just two more weeks of school, and then I have a while off before next semester. Hopefully in that interim I can get this health matter squared away and not have to worry about new medications, headaches, and other health issues next semester.